Vice-Principal's Notes

More than two decades long association to education sector and a decade long to Caribbean only, I have reached to the conclusion that every child is a leader and that every child has a right to realize what is in him or her. To help each child to discover their inner potential, acquire leadership and to equip them knowledge and life skills, a school with a difference is required. In this context, our school Caribbean definitely addresses this issue. 

At Caribbean, we not only teach, we empower our students. We don't train them, we try to equip them with the qualities and skills to stand in this competitive world. We also lay emphasis on building values, nurturing talents and developing responsible child.

The school is always highly attempted to inspire and enlighten the child's talent, thought and creativity. It wants to pay the vital role to make its students practically well educated, skilled, intelligence, patriot and good citizen of the country and committed to fill the aspiration of all the students and guardians.

Entrusting your child to Caribbean means handing over the child to the hands of dedicated and experienced teachers where the future of the child is carved through a joyful learning environment with essential facilities and recently built state-of-the-art infrastructure. I welcome you all to Caribbean to sail in the academic ocean of Caribbean to obtain the academic excellence.

Best Wishes,
Hari Bahadur Khatri 
